Lorenzo Nassimbeni presents a new exhibition ‘Home’ at City Soirée

Consistently working in a series of layers, in the architectural tradition, Nassimbeni has divided the exhibition into 3 distinct parts, all relating to the ocean. They are, the pure essence of water as a substance (surface), the lie of the land beneath the surface of the water (submerged), and the built form interacting with the edge of the coast (interface, eg. tidal pool).
The body of work seeks to uncover Nassimbeni’s understanding of ocean as architectural element, and in so doing, realise the essence of home, through the extraction of essence, and subsequent exposition of spirit.
Artist’s statement
Lorenzo Nassimbeni’s creative work is characterized by its focus on the area where the disciplines of architecture and fine art meet. This is expressed by identifying, extracting and representing the artistic meaning within urban and landscape conditions. His portfolio reveals that the space between the disciplines of fine art and architecture may be defined as an environment which is richly generative of new creative expression. When overlaid onto urban and landscape environments both abstract and specific, the contextual dimensions emerge illuminating new possibilities of understanding. Lorenzo creates artworks which occupy the interstices between architecture and fine art thus creating a new site of conceptual discourse and practice.
See full artist profile at www.lorenzonassimbeni.com
Tickets for the event can be booked here: http://www.citysoiree.co.za/events/lorenzo-nassimbeni/