Design and art reimagine South African heritage at Cape Town Furniture week

Clout/SA invites you to come take a peek at our South African heritage, reimagined. During Furniture Week, Clout/SA, who was awarded runner up at the furniture expo for best stand, and its design and art partners will share a hotel room like no other. They will transform the Sisonke Gallery into a staged hotel room, which will be available for the public to view until 29 February 2024, between 09h00 and 17h00 daily.
This will be a design and art collaborative display, shown in partnership with HUB and Spier Arts Trust and it will feature design items, furniture and art. The showcase features artworks commissioned for the Spier Collection in collaboration with Keiskamma Art Project. Commission enquiries are welcome through HUB. Other collaborators for this project include David Krynuaw who won best furniture and Thabisa/Mash T who was runner up for lighting at Cape Town Furniture Week.
Where: Sisonke Gallery, Heritage Hotel, 90 Bree Street, Cape Town CBD
Dates: 14–29 February 2024
Time: 09:00 – 17:00 daily for the public to view
Clout/SA partners for this showcase: @clout_sadesign @carasavenwalldesign @davidkrynauwdesign @keiskammatrustsa @spierartstrust @house_union_block @studio.kalki @wiid_design @mashtdesignstudio @modern_gesture @ashantidesign @rebulsa @spierwinefarm @capeheritagehotel1780 @nandosvreativityofficial @nandos_hyd